Do NOT violate our children’s rights of life, liberty, personal integrity, unlimited mobility from place to place, and education.

We, residents of the border guard village of Tavush Province, express our deep concern regarding the recent announcement made by various representatives of the RA government, particularly the announcement by the Prime Minister, about handing over the areas adjacent to our settlement to the Azerbaijani side, and we appeal to the organizations interested in the protection of human rights, international structures, and Armenians all over the world.

Today, under the thesis of the “territorial integrity” of the states, there are public statements about the return of the territories adjacent to our settlements to the Azerbaijani side without any guarantees, which in fact contradicts the rights of life, freedom, and inviolability of the person guaranteed to the residents of our border settlements and our children by the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. 

Obeying the aggressive threats of Azerbaijan’s claims, the Armenian government is going to hand over the territories adjacent to our settlements to the control of a neighboring unfriendly country without any clear guarantees, which are not just territories for our country, but the only road connecting our settlements to Armenia. There are NO alternative roads connecting the regional center, and there are NO options for building a new one either. In this case, the right of free movement of our residents is violated, and the settlement of Voskepar appears under the Azerbaijani BLOCKADE.

At the same time, the right of life of our residents is being violated, the positions of the Azerbaijani armed forces are approaching the residential houses of Voskepar up to 20 meters, and the school – up to 100 meters, gaining a dominant position. Children’s right to education is also violated.

Ever since the war of the 1990s, the Azerbaijani side has shown an aggressive and anti-Armenian policy, looted and destroyed an entire district of Voskepar, more than 40 Armenian citizens were captured and disappeared from this part of the road alone, and are still considered missing. After all this, a war broke out, as a result of which a security zone was created for the survival of the inhabitants of the border villages.

In this situation, the unilateral concessions of the Armenian side and the unauthorized approach of the Azerbaijani positions to the residential houses and constructions of our settlements endanger the life, freedom, personal integrity, and rights of our residents to freely move from place to place. At the same time, the Ijevan – Noyemberyan interstate highway is closed.

As a result, the humanitarian crisis in the region becomes inevitable. People will be forced to leave their thousand-year-old settlement and all our historical and cultural heritage will come under the control of the Azerbaijani side and will be lost.

Taking all this into account, we call on the organizations interested in the protection of human rights, international structures, and all representatives of the Armenian people.

1. Reject territorial concessions by the Republic of Armenia that threaten the rights of life, freedom, personal integrity, and freedom of movement of the residents of our settlements.

2. To raise a voice before relevant international structures for the protection of the life, freedom, integrity of the person, free movement from place to place, and education rights of our residents.

Please sign this petition today – your support can help ensure that we retain control over these lands, safeguarding ourselves from potential harm while preserving our right to live freely on them.

Please sign this petition. Your support can help protect our children’s rights to life, liberty, personal integrity, unlimited mobility from place to place, and education.

Residents of the border village of Voskepar, Noyemberyan community, Tavush Province, RA.

Link https://www.change.org/StandWithVoskepar

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